ID работы: 13161151

Малый гений и инцидент в Плейтайм

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(????????) - Do you really think he can handle it? (???) - Ye₽%*^%s, an%#^d I'm 100% s##*^ure o%#f it*#. (????????) - But you know he can't get out. (???) - Ho^%*%%*w ca*%#^n h^#*e no*^#%t? He c^*%#*an. (????????) - It's dangerous in the factory, look at what's going on, you think he can do it? (???) - Of co*^#%#urs*^#%e h*#^%e ca*%#^n. I belie*#%##^ve in hi*^#%m. (????????) - Well, it's a question of whether they'll get out alive or dead. (???) - al*^##%iv*^#e, th#^%%*ey'l*^#l m*^#%ak*^#%e it. (????????) - You sure? (???) - Of co*#u*#^#^rse, wh*#^#y? (????????) - And if not, imagine if he dies. - Sh*#^#&ut up, Morti*#&##^mer! (Mortimer) - Wow, so you're shutting me up too? (???) - Yea*#^##h, sto*#%#^p talki*#%#^ng ab#@%#%out deat*@*#^#h, h*@*#e'll live an*#&#^d he w*#*#^#on't die... just lea*#*#^ve m*#&#e alon*#&#^e... (Mortimer) - All right, but I'll be back. Mortimer's gone (???) - ... he w*#%#%ill surv*#&#%ive... h*@&#e wi#*#^&ll survi*#&#^ve...
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