ID работы: 14813939

I cried. I slept. I cried some more.

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Часть 1

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I cried. I slept. I cried some more. I'm just a gloomy sophomore. I'm just a little sulky fellow Whose troubles always seem so shallow: A small dead bird. A rainy season. I know my tears don't stand to reason. Yet here I am, all sobs and tears. Sixteen unscathed but sloppy years. And all those years I have been waiting (And meanwhile tried my hand at painting) For you to come and take my hand. The one who'll always understand. I won't forget our desert nights, How we escaped the city lights. We drank. We danced. We drank some more. Hot sand was our dancing floor. Our naked skin dripped moonlight glow And stars above us seemed to know All secrets of this universe: Smart, silly, charming and adverse. We laughed. Made love. Then laughed some more, Your laughter soaking through the pores. And we stayed up till morning lark. 'Cause boys that glitter love the dark.
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